Have you ever fallen prey to cyber security threats or are you the one who have ditched the cyber perpetrators? Well, whatever the case may be, it’s high time that we learn about some ‘uncomfortable truths about endpoint security’.

According to a survey, over two-thirds (68%) of organizations say they were hit by a cyberattack in the last year and most of them were from larger organizations. Surprisingly, larger organizations deploy more IT resources than the smaller ones to keep certain security threats at bay.

In addition, about 10% of companies have suffered four or more cyberattacks last year, which connotes that many of them have weak defences, which can be easily breached by the perpetrators.

The above numbers prompt us to believe that everyone should assume that they would fall victim to a cyberattack rather than assuming they can evade any type of cyberattacks.

In this light, EDR forms an integral part of the security strategies. To avoid falling into the security trap, every organization should fully consider both the capabilities and usability of an EDR solution before adding it to their security arsenal.

Join the Economic Times Live webinar—‘7 Uncomfortable Truths about Endpoint Security’, in association with Sophos, and get a low-down on end-point security threats from Aaron Bugal, Global Solutions Engineer APJ, Sophos.

Key Takeaways

John Shier
Aaron Bugal
Global Solutions Engineer APJ

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